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Aug 25



In this meeting I'll give an overview of the course, and I will give two examples of reading response presentations. I'll also talk through the syllabus and point you to some helpful resources. Finally, I'll give a brief overview of Mereology, Location, and Persistence.

Of Interest

In our first meeting, I plan to give you two examples of reading response presentations. I'm posting the papers I'll discuss, just in case they are of interest to you, though they are not required reading.

Korman - The Metaphysics of Establishments
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Calosi and Wilson - Quantum Metaphysical Indeterminacy
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Also, in choosing the papers you'll cover for your reading responses, please don't use any of the papers that are listed as required or optional readings on the syllabus. For finding cool, recent papers, you might find Dana Goswick's Metaphysics Digest helpful: it's a list of all of the Metaphysics publications across many journals every year. I've attached a document compiling her 2015-2021 digests here. Note that Philosophers Imprint, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, and Synthese are not included, nor is Philosophical Perspectives (which periodically has Metaphysics volumes) and Oxford Studies in Metaphysics. (This is in no way a criticism! Just a heads-up about those additional places you can also look.)

Metaphysics Digests from last 7 years (2015-2021)
Download PDF • 594KB

No Presentations Yet!

Student presentations will begin next week! Check next week's webpage for who will be presenting (we'll determine it at our first class meeting).

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